Fifth Sunday in Lent - March 22, 2015

Fifth Sunday in Lent
This recording is an abridged version of the 10:00 am service from Sunday March 22, 2015.

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The readings are from the NSRV (New Revised Standard Version) Bible. You can read the passages online at:

[00:00:50]  Gospel Reading - John 12:20-33
[00:02:55]  Sermon - Rev.  Chris Roth
[00:23:08]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection on Psalm 51
  1. What do you think of when you think of “sin”?
  2. In what sense have you sinned against God alone? (vs 4) 
  3. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” What does it look like to have a “clean heart” and a “new and right spirit” (vs 10)?
Today's bulletin can be found here.
Rev. Chris Roth posts the text of the sermons on his blog.

This podcast is also available on iTunes.