The Third Sunday of Easter - April 14, 2013

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[00:00:36]  First Reading - Acts 9:1-6
[00:01:46]  Second Reading - Revelation 5:11-14
[00:02:49]  Gospel Reading - John 21:1-19
[00:06:13]  Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:22:27]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection on John 21:1-19
  1. Compare this passage to Luke 5:4-11. Why might a link be made with this passage?
  2. Why does it seem like Jesus' appearance is different after the resurrection? E.g. Mary at the tomb (John 20), the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). 
  3. Why does Jesus ask Peter three times if he loves him? And, why does he follow each response with an order to feed his sheep, and then a prediction of Peters's death? What does this say about how love for Jesus is expressed? Compare to John 13 & 18.
  4. Reflect on your own life and how you feed his sheep and perhaps are even led to a place you do not wish to go, all because of your love for Christ.