The Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 28, 2013

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[00:01:11]  First Reading - Act 11:1-18
[00:03:31]  Second Reading - Revelation 21:1-6
[00:05:08]  Gospel Reading - John 13:31-35
[00:06:13]  Sermon - Rev. Donald Gray
[00:23:41]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection on John 13:31-35:
  1. How will everyone know that we are disciples (students/apprentices) of Jesus? He could have used many other ways to define his followers, why this? How do you define a follower of Jesus?
  2. Compare with Leviticus 19:8. Why is this a “new” commandment?
  3. How do you “glorify” Christ?
  4. What does the context of Peter’s denial and service in chapter 13 tell us about glorifying? What is Jesus meaning by “glorifying”?
  5. Christ implies that we first are loved by him and then we love others (vs. 34). Why does that order matter? Is there a danger in taking it out of order?