11th Sunday after Pentecost - August 12, 2012

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[00:02:10]  First Reading - 2 Samuel 18:5-9,15,31-33
[00:04:02]  Second Reading - Ephesians 4:25-5:2
[00:05:37]  Gospel Reading - John 6:35,41-51
[00:07:20]  Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:28:34]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflecting on 2 Samuel 14-18
  1. How did God bring good out of David's difficult circumstances? How has God used difficult circumstances in your life? See Romans 8:28
  2. Reflect on the presence of David's vices and virtues in his sons. Have you noticed your own virtues and vices in your parents or children? What effect has that had on your life, or even the lives of those around you?
  3. Why do you think David behaves towards Absalom as he does? What do you think of his parenting strategy? How would you have behaved?
  4. Why is David said to be a man after God's own heart? What might this say about how God views you?