Pentecost 08 - July 19, 2015

Pentecost 08
This recording is an abridged version of the 10:00 am service from Sunday July 19, 2015.

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The readings are from the NSRV (New Revised Standard Version) Bible. You can read the passages online at:

[00:01:18]  First Reading - 2 Samuel 7:1-14a
[00:04:09]  Second Reading - Ephesians 2:11-22
[00:06:38]  Gospel Reading - Mark 6:30-34,53-56
[00:08:00]  Sermon - Rev. Regula Bandle
[00:30:51]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection 2 Samuel 7:1-17
  1. Have you ever experienced ‘shattered dreams’, i.e. hopes and plans that didn’t come to fruition?
  2. Do you consult the Lord about plans you have?
  3. How do you know whether your plans are good plans or God plans?
Today's bulletin can be found here.

This podcast is also available on iTunes.