The Baptism of the Lord - January 13, 2013

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[00:00:59]  First Reading - Isaiah 43:1-7
[00:02:28]  Second Reading - Acts 8:14-17
[00:03:16]  Gospel Reading - Luke 3:15-17,21-22
[00:04:29]  Sermon - Rev. Donald Gray
[00:19:38]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection on
  1. Why do you think Jesus was baptized?
  2. What is your understanding of sin? How is it present in an individual, a community, or a social system?
  3. How does that relate to baptism? How does it relate to Jesus' baptism?
  4. We should be aware of hypothetical theological questions, but what might have been an effect of Jesus not being baptized?