The Third Sunday in Advent - December 16, 2012

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[00:00:51]  First Reading - Zephaniah 3:14-20
[00:02:25]  Second Reading - Philippians 4:4-7
[00:03:10]  Gospel Reading - Luke 3:7-18
[00:05:22]  Sermon - Brian Richardson
[00:20:33]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection on
  1. What would your reaction be to John the Baptist if you met him?
  2. What does repentance mean to you? How does that relate to John the Baptists understanding? In what way is it preparation for God's comping?
  3. John responded to the crowds, tax collectors and soldiers. What would he say to you if you yelled out your occupation?
  4. How was it that what John was saying was considered "good news" (vs. 18)?