Feast of St. Luke - October 21, 2012

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[00:00:25]  First Reading - Sirach 38:1-4,6-10,12-14
[00:01:59]  Second Reading - James 5:13-20
[00:03:23]  Gospel Reading - Luke 4:14-21
[00:04:40]  Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:19:48]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection on Luke 4:14-30:
  1. Jesus came to bring good news, freedom and healing. Where in your life do you need mental, spiritual or physical healing?
  2. Jesus had a home town. What are some of the challenges in being God's messenger to your home town? Why might it be difficult for some people to accept someone they know well to be God's messiah and prophet?
  3. Why is Jesus' mission described as good news to the poor? Who are the poor?