18th Sunday after Pentecost - September 30, 2012

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[00:00:09]  First Reading - Esther 7:1-6,9-10,9:20-22
[00:02:27]  Second Reading - James 5:13-20
[00:04:05]  Gospel Reading - Mark 9:38-50
[00:05:52]  Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:20:37]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions based on Mark 9:38-50:
  1. Does the disciples' argument in verses 33-37 about who among them is the greatest have anything to tell us about verses 38-40?
  2. When have you noticed a tendency in yourself to draw a line dividing people who belong and those who don't? Do those lines exist? If they exist how do our lines compare to Jesus' lines?
  3. When have you experienced someone labeling you as belonging or not belonging?
  4. Compare verse 40 to Matthew 12:30. How can these both be true? How does the context of both verses help us answer that question?
  5. Consider what you believe about spiritual consequences for our actions. Are there consequences in this life and/or the afterlife? How does what you believe compare to what Jesus says in this passage?