[00:00:36] First Reading - Acts 9:1-6
[00:01:46] Second Reading - Revelation 5:11-14
[00:02:49] Gospel Reading - John 21:1-19
[00:06:13] Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:22:27] Blessing and Dismissal
Questions for reflection on John 21:1-19
- Compare this passage to Luke 5:4-11. Why might a link be made with this passage?
- Why does it seem like Jesus' appearance is different after the resurrection? E.g. Mary at the tomb (John 20), the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24).
- Why does Jesus ask Peter three times if he loves him? And, why does he follow each response with an order to feed his sheep, and then a prediction of Peters's death? What does this say about how love for Jesus is expressed? Compare to John 13 & 18.
- Reflect on your own life and how you feed his sheep and perhaps are even led to a place you do not wish to go, all because of your love for Christ.