[00:01:11] First Reading - Act 11:1-18
[00:03:31] Second Reading - Revelation 21:1-6
[00:05:08] Gospel Reading - John 13:31-35
[00:06:13] Sermon - Rev. Donald Gray
[00:23:41] Blessing and Dismissal
Questions for reflection on John 13:31-35:
- How will everyone know that we are disciples (students/apprentices) of Jesus? He could have used many other ways to define his followers, why this? How do you define a follower of Jesus?
- Compare with Leviticus 19:8. Why is this a “new” commandment?
- How do you “glorify” Christ?
- What does the context of Peter’s denial and service in chapter 13 tell us about glorifying? What is Jesus meaning by “glorifying”?
- Christ implies that we first are loved by him and then we love others (vs. 34). Why does that order matter? Is there a danger in taking it out of order?