[00:01:17] First Reading - Genesis 15:1-12,17-18
[00:03:17] Second Reading - Philippians 3:17-4:1
[00:04:26] Gospel Reading - Luke 13:31-35
[00:05:43] Sermon - Rev. Donald Grey
[00:23:47] Blessing and Dismissal
Questions for reflection on the sermon:
- Do you believe that there is a personal force (that is not physical) that tries to influence people into doing evil?
- What was it that made the temptations evil?
- Why was the temptation important in relation to what Jesus was about to do?
- What does obedience to God mean to you? And how does it relate to this passage?
- How does Jesus’ way of responding to temptation relate to your way of dealing with temptation?
Disciple Steps
Here are small steps to take one more step in your walk with Jesus:
- Shoot silent prayers of blessing on those you pass in the street, and the cars around you on the road.
- Make a point to pray for someone you don’t usually pray for, but who is a part of your everyday life.
- Read Matthew Ch 5-7 each day and try to practice what is says. At the end of the day name what you practiced.