[00:00:09] First Reading - Esther 7:1-6,9-10,9:20-22
[00:02:27] Second Reading - James 5:13-20
[00:04:05] Gospel Reading - Mark 9:38-50
[00:05:52] Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:20:37] Blessing and Dismissal
Questions based on Mark 9:38-50:
- Does the disciples' argument in verses 33-37 about who among them is the greatest have anything to tell us about verses 38-40?
- When have you noticed a tendency in yourself to draw a line dividing people who belong and those who don't? Do those lines exist? If they exist how do our lines compare to Jesus' lines?
- When have you experienced someone labeling you as belonging or not belonging?
- Compare verse 40 to Matthew 12:30. How can these both be true? How does the context of both verses help us answer that question?
- Consider what you believe about spiritual consequences for our actions. Are there consequences in this life and/or the afterlife? How does what you believe compare to what Jesus says in this passage?