First Reading - Proverbs 22:1-2,8-9,22-23
Second Reading - James 2:1-17
Gospel Reading - Mark 7:24-37
Sermon - Rev. Donald Grey
Questions for reflecting on Mark 7:24-37
- Read Jesus' teaching about the clean and unclean from the beginning of chapter 7 (especially versus 14-23). This teaching comes immediately before today's passage about a gentile woman (unclean) who is asking for Jesus' help. How does this affect how we see Jesus' reaction?
- How would you hear Jesus' words as a) the woman asking for help b) the disciples and c) as those who are reading this passage in the modern world.
- Who might you consider to be "unclean" by the way they look or the community they come from? Whois "clean" to you?
- It was a deep tradition to separate gentiles and jews. What traditions do we hold onto that cause division in our cities and neighbourhoods? How does Jesus' teachings about the clean and unclean tear down those divisions?