The readings are from the NSRV (New Revised Standard Version) Bible. You can read the passages online at:
[00:01:20] First Reading - Isaiah 65:17-25
[00:04:16] Second Reading - 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
[00:05:54] Gospel Reading - Luke 21:5-19
[00:07:42] Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:28:51] Blessing and Dismissal
Questions for Reflection on 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13:
- Why would Paul ask the Thessalonian Christians to keep away from those who were idle and not living according to the teaching? What is Paul concerned about?
- What is the place of effort in the Christian life? Does God owe us if we work hard? Why do it if we aren’t earning something for ourselves?
- Reflect on your own effort towards your family, friends, neighborhood, and church. Is God calling you to more effort? Perhaps God is calling you to less effort? How can you achieve a godly balance?
Revised Common Lectionary Commentary (Link)
Isaiah 65:17-25 The people of Israel have prayed that God will reveal himself to them as he did in olden times. God has answered: “I was ready to be sought out” but no one sought my help. Israel was disobedient and self-centred, but God will preserve a faithful line that he will choose.
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 We come to the concluding section of this letter – one which counsels against expecting Christ to come again soon. It seems that some in the community have ceased to work and to spread the word of God.
Luke 21:5-19 We come to the end of Jesus’ teaching in the Temple. His prediction of its destruction came true about forty years later. Jesus uses this as an opportunity to tell his followers of the ordeals they will need to endure. Perseverance will be rewarded.