23rd Sunday after Pentecost - October 27, 2013

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The readings are from the NSRV (New Revised Standard Version) Bible. You can read the passages online at: http://www.biblegateway.com/&version=NRSV.

[00:01:22]  First Reading - Joel 2:23-32  (Read)
[00:03:37]  Second Reading - 2 Timothy4:6-8,16-18  (Read)
[00:04:51]  Gospel Reading - Luke 18:9-14  (Read)
[00:05:58]  Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:24:24]  Blessing and Dismissal

Questions for reflection on Luke 18:9-14:
  1. What was wrong with what the Pharisee did? He wasn’t stealing or committing adultery. In fact, he did good things- he practiced fasting and was generous with his money.
  2. On the other hand, a tax collector was like a traitor. They became rich working for an invading army. Why would Jesus use a tax collector as the hero of the story?
  3. What was present in the tax collector that made him justified in his prayer? What was present in the Pharisee?
  4. How do you relate to this story? Where are exaltation and humility present in you? How does this relate to self-esteem?
  5. If you struggle with exalting your virtues practice doing something good in secret and not telling anyone about it, ever.