[00:00:41] First Reading - Isaiah 62:1-5
[00:02:20] Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
[00:03:58] Gospel Reading - John 2:1-11
[00:05:25] Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:21:56] Blessing and Dismissal
Questions for reflection on John 2:1-11:
- Why is it significant that the six stone water jars were used for Jewish rites of ritual purification?
- Why would this miracle (turning water into wine) at this time (at a wedding) be the first of Jesus' "sign"? What does that tell you about Jesus's mission and his people?
- Why is Jesus hesitant at first? Have you experienced divine hesitancy? How do we deal with this?
- What is Mary's role? How might our role relate to Mary's
- What do you need transformed in your life?