[00:01:50] First Reading - 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a
[00:05:06] Second Reading - Ephesians 4:1-16
[00:06:11] Gospel Reading - John 6:24-35
[00:08:43] Sermon - Rev. Chris Roth
[00:27:30] Blessing and Dismissal
Questions for reflecting on Samuel 11:
- Who is affected by David’s sins? When was a time your sin had an effect on those around you? Would you define sin as “personal” or “communal”?
- Do you identify more with David, Bathsheba, Uriah, or Nathan? Why?
- Why did David feel so confident to condemn the rich man in Nathan’s parable, but not see his own sin? When have you tried to pick a sliver out of someone’s eye, when you had a plank in your own (Matt 7)?
- Why does Nathan tell David a story, rather than accuse him of sin? How do people normally act when confronted with their sin? How do you respond when confronted by your sin?